How Tannins and Caffeine in Tea Make You Nauseous?

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Written By Muhammad Shaban Shoukat






For many of us, a cup of hot tea is a comforting ritual that can help to relax the body and mind. But for some, having a cup of tea may lead to feelings of nausea and even vomiting. At this point, you might have thought Why Does Tea Make Me Nauseous? This condition can be frustrating and confusing, but understanding the causes behind why tea makes some people nauseous is an important step in seeking relief. In this blog post, we will explore the possible causes of why tea may make someone feel sick, what types of teas may be more likely to cause these issues, and tips on how to deal with nausea caused by drinking tea.

Tea can make someone feel nauseous for a few different reasons. One possible reason is the high levels of caffeine contained in tea, which can cause stomach upset and nausea when consumed in excess. Another possible reason is the presence of tannins, which can cause abdominal discomfort and an acidic taste in the mouth. Finally, some people may have a sensitivity or allergy to specific herbs or spices that are used to flavor certain types of teas.

What Causes Nausea From Tea?

There are several potential causes as to why tea could make you feel nauseous. One possibility is acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Acid reflux occurs when acids from your stomach come up into your esophagus, causing irritation and pain. Tea contains caffeine and tannins, both of which can increase stomach acid production — thus worsening your acid reflux symptoms. Furthermore, if you drink your tea too quickly or without giving it enough time to cool off before consuming it can also trigger GERD-related symptoms like nausea.

Other factors that could contribute to feeling nauseous after drinking tea include food sensitivities or allergies related to particular ingredients in the tea blend you’re consuming; individual sensitivity to caffeine (which is found in most teas); an unrelated illness such as a cold or flu; overeating before drinking your tea; or simply being dehydrated before consuming any liquids at all.

Which Types Of Teas Are More Likely To Cause Nausea?

When discussing which types of teas are more likely to cause nausea than others, it’s important to consider two main categories: caffeinated teas versus herbal teas. When it comes to caffeinated teas such as black tea or green tea, there is evidence that suggests they can worsen GERD-related symptoms due to their high levels of caffeine and tannins. However, many people find relief when they switch from caffeinated beverages like black or green teas over to herbal teas such as chamomile or peppermint — both are naturally caffeine-free herbs that are known for calming effects on the digestive system.

why does tea make me nauseous

Tips For Preventing Tea-Related Nausea

If you’re experiencing nausea from drinking tea, here are a few tips that may help:

1) Opt for decaffeinated varieties – If you’re opting for caffeinated teas such as black and green varieties, go for decaffeinated versions instead — these have less caffeine than regular types and thus should cause fewer GI issues than their regular counterparts.

2) Steep with cooler water – If possible try steeping your leaves with cooler water (not boiling) whenever possible — this will reduce tannin content in the finished beverage but still provide all the health benefits associated with hot drinks!

3) Choose herbal blends – Herbal tisanes like chamomile and peppermint provide therapeutic value while being naturally gentle on the digestive system — they also tend not to contain any triggering ingredients like dairy or corn syrup found in some commercial brands so they won’t aggravate sensitive stomachs either!

4) Add ginger – Adding fresh ginger root into your hot drinks has been shown in studies to reduce feelings of nausea due its anti-inflammatory properties — just grate a small piece into your mug before adding hot water!

5) Drink slowly – Finally take time when drinking your hot beverages — sipping slowly allows for better digestion as well as helps you become aware of any foods/drinks that don’t agree with you before continuing on further!

Why Does Tea Make Me Nauseous? Conclusion

In conclusion, understanding why certain types of teas make some individuals feel nauseous is key to finding relief from these uncomfortable symptoms. While there may be multiple potential causes behind why someone gets sick after drinking a cup of hot tea — including acid reflux triggered by its caffeine content or other dietary sensitivities— making small adjustments such as switching out regular caffeinated versions for decaf varieties brewed at lower temperatures with cooling herbs like chamomile can help alleviate unpleasant sensations of queasiness after finishing up your favorite afternoon cup.


Q. How do you get rid of nausea from tea?

A. If you’re experiencing nausea after sipping your tea, there are a few things you can do to help relieve the discomfort. Try opting for decaffeinated varieties if possible, brewing with cooler water temperatures, and adding calming herbal tisanes into your cups such as chamomile or peppermint.

Q. What tea has no tannins?

A. Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, and ginger have no tannins since they are not made from traditional tea leaves like black or green varieties.

Q. Which tea is highest in tannins?

A. Black teas tend to be higher in tannins than other types of teas, so if you’re looking for less astringency in your cup it is best to avoid these varieties and opt for decaffeinated or herbal options instead.

Q. Does tea make nausea worse?

A. Caffeinated varieties of tea can worsen nausea if consumed in excess, as the high levels of caffeine and tannins contained in these types of teas can trigger digestive issues. If you’re experiencing nausea after drinking your cup, look into switching to decaffeinated or herbal varieties instead.

Q. Why do tannins cause nausea?

A. When consumed in large amounts tannins can cause stomach upset due to their astringent properties, which can lead to feelings of nausea. If you’re experiencing this type of discomfort after sipping your tea, try opting for decaffeinated or herbal varieties as they contain fewer tannins than regular types.

Q. How do you neutralize tannins in tea?

A. Adding a pinch of baking soda to your cup can help neutralize the tannins in tea, reducing their astringent flavor and helping to make it more palatable. However, if you’re experiencing stomach upset due to tannins it is best to opt for decaffeinated or herbal varieties that contain fewer triggering.

Q. Does adding milk to tea reduce tannins?

A. Adding milk to your cup can help reduce the levels of tannins in tea, as the proteins contained in cow’s dairy bind to them and prevent them from being digested by your body. However, if you have a sensitivity to dairy it is best to opt for decaffeinated or herbal varieties instead.

